Blogging Prompt : Favorite Mistake


In response to today’s Blogging 101 task. To pick a prompt and write about it.

Favorite Mistake Is there a mistake you’ve made that turned out to be a blessing — or otherwise changed your life for the better?

It was probably a mistake to defy my parents and work in a record store. Too bad for them it was a lifelong dream. My uncle used to take me to record stores in Pacific Beach during the summers. We’d listen to music and browse the albums for hours. What 9 year old can look through albums for hours? This one. I was born a music junkie and I’ll die a music junkie and in between I will love to thumb through records and spend nearly every waking moment of my life with music playing in the background. (FYI I am at this moment listening to Coin – Run)

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Wicked Word Wednesdays

wicked-word-wednesday-logo-3 Today kicks off what could be a fun Wednesday challenge for all of your bloggers out there who are looking for a weekly feature to add to your site, or just looking for motivation to write. Wicked Word Wednesday there’s no cost or pressure to join, just a bit of fun. Hit the link and read what it’s all about.

Today’s Wicked Word: Wicked


This is what comes to mind when I hear the word wicked. The wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz, a movie I detest. I can’t really give a good reason why except that I watched it too young probably and it scared me. I didn’t get to have the teenage or adult experience of watching it high listening to Pink Floyd’s dark side of the moon or appreciating the camp of it all. Nope, for me it was sheer terror in an evil green woman stalking a girl and her dog, and OH MY GOD what was with the flying monkeys?! OK sure it’s hokey now, but to a 4 year old it’s terrifying!

There you have it, my lackluster addition (but an addition nonetheless) to Wicked Word Wednesdays!

What I wanted was a dog

LabradorRetriever_hero I had plans, plans for a dog.  A bandana wearing, Frisbee and ball fetching dog.  One to take walks with, or hikes even, to play with the niece and nephews, splash in the pool kind of dog.  I wanted a labrador retriever, color didn’t matter, just the perfect sweet fun buddy that labs can be.  Instead I ended up with cats. Two of them.

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