Blogging Prompt : Favorite Mistake


In response to today’s Blogging 101 task. To pick a prompt and write about it.

Favorite Mistake Is there a mistake you’ve made that turned out to be a blessing — or otherwise changed your life for the better?

It was probably a mistake to defy my parents and work in a record store. Too bad for them it was a lifelong dream. My uncle used to take me to record stores in Pacific Beach during the summers. We’d listen to music and browse the albums for hours. What 9 year old can look through albums for hours? This one. I was born a music junkie and I’ll die a music junkie and in between I will love to thumb through records and spend nearly every waking moment of my life with music playing in the background. (FYI I am at this moment listening to Coin – Run)

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Prompted (although not so promptly published) Post

Today’s challenge for Blogging 101 is to blog from a prompt.  Mine was “Bittersweet Memories” and the prompt was to talk about a gift I received that made me nostalgic and why.

My most treasured gift came from my aunt Shelley.  It was a wedding gift. My aunt sent me a keepsake recipe book, filled with old pictures and copies of the index cards my grandmother kept her recipes on.  I keep it with all recipeof my other cherished family memories, the recipes copied onto my own index cards or copied so the book stays pristine. There were so many wonderful family pictures, interspersed with some of our family favorite recipes, from her to die for dinner rolls to her amazing Swiss steak or homemade chili sauce. This cookbook had them all.  One day I’ll even make her homemade pickles (even though I’m not a pickle fan).

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